run modem dial 拨号
run modem hangup 挂断
run modem trigger 发送一个信号给 modem daemon, 如果modem设置成连接的,但是它没连接,就重新拨号,如果modem设置成断开的,但是它已经连接,则断开
define system modem
set status {enable | disable} 是否启用modem功能,等价于把接口up或down
set pin-init {string} AT command to set the PIN (AT+PIN=). size[127]
set network-init {string} AT command to set the Network name/type (AT+COPS=,[,[,]]). size[127]
set lockdown-lac {string} Allow connection only to the specified Location Area Code (LAC). size[127]
set mode {standalone | redundant} Set MODEM operation mode to redundant or standalone.
Standalone 无线作为独立链路
Redundant 无线作为其他链路的备份链路
set auto-dial {enable | disable} Enable/disable auto-dial after a reboot or disconnection.
set dial-on-demand {enable | disable} Enable/disable to dial the modem when packets are routed to the modem interface.
set idle-timer {integer} MODEM connection idle time (1 - 9999 min, default = 5). range[1-9999]
set redial {option} Redial limit (1 - 10 attempts, none = redial forever).
none Forever.
1 One attempt.
2 Two attempts.
3 Three attempts.
4 Four attempts.
5 Five attempts.
6 Six attempts.
7 Seven attempts.
8 Eight attempts.
9 Nine attempts.
10 Ten attempts.
set reset {integer} Number of dial attempts before resetting modem (0 = never reset). range[0-10]
set holddown-timer {integer} Hold down timer in seconds (1 - 60 sec). range[1-60]
set connect-timeout {integer} Connection completion timeout (30 - 255 sec, default = 90). range[30-255]
set interface {string} Name of redundant interface. size[63] - datasource(s): system.interface.name
set wireless-port {integer} Enter wireless port number, 0 for default, 1 for first port, ... (0 - 4294967295, default = 0) range[0-4294967295]
set dont-send-CR1 {enable | disable} Do not send CR when connected (ISP1).
set phone1 {string} Phone number to connect to the dialup account (must not contain spaces, and should include standard special characters). size[63]
set dial-cmd1 {string} Dial command (this is often an ATD or ATDT command). size[63]
set username1 {string} User name to access the specified dialup account. size[63]
set passwd1 {password_string} Password to access the specified dialup account. size[128]
set extra-init1 {string} Extra initialization string to ISP 1. size[127]
set peer-modem1 {generic | actiontec | ascend_TNT} Specify peer MODEM type for phone1.
generic All other modem type.
actiontec ActionTec modem.
ascend_TNT Ascend TNT modem.
set ppp-echo-request1 {enable | disable} Enable/disable PPP echo-request to ISP 1.
set authtype1 {pap | chap | mschap | mschapv2} Allowed authentication types for ISP 1.
pap PAP
chap CHAP
mschap MSCHAP
mschapv2 MSCHAPv2
set dont-send-CR2 {enable | disable} Do not send CR when connected (ISP2).
set phone2 {string} Phone number to connect to the dialup account (must not contain spaces, and should include standard special characters). size[63]
set dial-cmd2 {string} Dial command (this is often an ATD or ATDT command). size[63]
set username2 {string} User name to access the specified dialup account. size[63]
set passwd2 {password_string} Password to access the specified dialup account. size[128]
set extra-init2 {string} Extra initialization string to ISP 2. size[127]
set peer-modem2 {generic | actiontec | ascend_TNT} Specify peer MODEM type for phone2.
generic All other modem type.
actiontec ActionTec modem.
ascend_TNT Ascend TNT modem.
set ppp-echo-request2 {enable | disable} Enable/disable PPP echo-request to ISP 2.
set authtype2 {pap | chap | mschap | mschapv2} Allowed authentication types for ISP 2.
pap PAP
chap CHAP
mschap MSCHAP
mschapv2 MSCHAPv2
set dont-send-CR3 {enable | disable} Do not send CR when connected (ISP3).
set phone3 {string} Phone number to connect to the dialup account (must not contain spaces, and should include standard special characters). size[63]
set dial-cmd3 {string} Dial command (this is often an ATD or ATDT command). size[63]
set username3 {string} User name to access the specified dialup account. size[63]
set passwd3 {password_string} Password to access the specified dialup account. size[128]
set extra-init3 {string} Extra initialization string to ISP 3. size[127]
set peer-modem3 {generic | actiontec | ascend_TNT} Specify peer MODEM type for phone3.
generic All other modem type.
actiontec ActionTec modem.
ascend_TNT Ascend TNT modem.
set ppp-echo-request3 {enable | disable} Enable/disable PPP echo-request to ISP 3.
set altmode {enable | disable} Enable/disable altmode for installations using PPP in China.
set authtype3 {pap | chap | mschap | mschapv2} Allowed authentication types for ISP 3.
pap PAP
chap CHAP
mschap MSCHAP
mschapv2 MSCHAPv2
set traffic-check {enable | disable} Enable/disable traffic-check.
set action {dial | stop | none} Dial up/stop MODEM.
dial Dial up number.
stop Stop dialup.
none No action.
set distance {integer} Distance of learned routes (1 - 255, default = 1). range[1-255]
set priority {integer} Priority of learned routes (0 - 4294967295, default = 0). range[0-4294967295]
dump sys modem
cmd cmd
com start a interactive session
history list modem usage history
wireless-id display wireless modem device ID